Heya! I'm Cathy ✨

UX designer interested in bridging creativity and technology to shape meaningful experiences.

Currently designing @Teck Resources

UX Internship | Design Systems | UX/UI | Figma

NOVA Design System @ Teck

An all-new design system to establish a useful and practical common set of design standards to be shared amongst the organization to create meaningful tools.

Mobile Application | UX/UI | Figma


Tutor-finding app to get connected with peers to achieve academic goals.

HCI | Arduino | Undergraduate Honours Thesis Project

The Mindful Origami Phoenix

Interactive artwork promoting self-care and reflection

Hackathon Project | UX/UI | Sketch


36-hour winning hackathon project. Find a buddy to accompany you to your favourite events!

© Cathy Yan 2024 | Designer | cathyyan604@gmail.com