👋 Hi! I'm Cathy.

I am a recent computer science graduate from Queen's University and I have a strong passion for UX!



I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, and have always had big dreams to make a meaningful difference in the world. With a background in illustration and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Queen's University, I am passionate about creating impactful experiences through design.

In high school, I was in a specialized visual arts program where I dabbled with various traditional and digital art techniques. Though I enjoyed illustrating, I wanted to find an area where I could tackle the everyday issues that shape our world through design. While studying for my computer science major, I was the dedicated designer for all the hackathons I participated in. From there on, I instantly felt connected to the field and wanted to learn more.

By self-teaching and connecting with industry leaders, I was able to get to where I am today and am constantly striving to expand my knowledge!

Talk to me about...

🎨 animation, art, design

Before going into tech, I spent much of my high school days as an artist and have always been passionate about animation. My childhood dream job was to become an animator for Disney! You can check out some of my illustrations here.

🎮 gaming

In my free time, I love to play games as a way to de-stress and have fun with friends. Here are some games I frequently find myself spending more time than I should in: League of Legends, any Pokemon game, Genshin Impact, and City Skylines

💪 fitness

I might not look like it from my photos, but I hold a black belt in Taekwondo! I also try to build my gains in the gym at least 4 times a week.

🐱 my pets

I have a black cat called Maomao (means “cat” in Chinese) and a golden retriever called Rex. They are everything to me!

© Cathy Yan 2024 | Designer | cathyyan604@gmail.com